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歡迎訪問澳大利亞和新西蘭先天性心臟聯盟 (CHAANZ) 的網站。

CHAANZ 是一個由來自澳大利亞和新西蘭的先天性心髒病研究人員組成的聯盟。他們的目的是促進先天性心髒病的重點研究,促進對更多資源的需求,並協助為所有先天性心髒病患者提供服務。


2020 年 7 月,先天性心髒病醫學研究未來基金撥款授予 CHAANZ。該項目旨在了解先天性心髒病的負擔和結果。

Aotearoa New Zealand

The Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Service based at Starship/Auckland City Hospitals is very pleased to contribute to the CHAANZ Registry collaboration and grateful for the support and endorsement of Heart Kids New Zealand for this project.


At this time, it is only possible to enrol and contribute data from patients from Aotearoa New Zealand who have received inpatient or outpatient care in Te Toka Tumai Auckland (Starship, Greenlane and Auckland Hospitals).


Survey Results

Survey Results

The National Congenital Heart Disease survey is now closed and the results have been published in Heart Lung Circulation. Thank you to everyone who participated in this important study. You can read more about the results here.

ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry

ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry

The National Congenital Heart Disease survey is the first step towards addressing current research questions and developing solutions to help all patients with congenital heart disease, irrespective of where they sit on the disease continuum.

Outcomes & Burdens for CHD

Outcomes & Burdens for CHD

In addition to providing increased resources for the development of the ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry, the MRFF funding will also allow CHAANZ to expand its research in to the burdens and outcomes of congenital heart disease.

National CHD Survey

National CHD Survey

The National Congenital Heart Disease Online Survey was a voluntary online survey to help understand experiences and needs of people with congenital heart disease.

ANZ Epidemiology Research

ANZ Epidemiology Research

Epidemiology research in congenital heart disease is currently underway in New Zealand and Queensland. Both studies are investigating the burden of disease in each region. More information on these studies can be found here.

Our Research

Our Research

A call for a National Congenital Heart Disease Registry was advised after an extensive review of CHD management across Australia, published in the HeartKids Australia White paper.

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